Belgrade College Hosts International Staff Week on Short-Term Mobility


The Belgrade College hosted an international event titled “Short-Term Mobility – Challenges and Good Practice” dedicated to discussing short-term mobility. In the course of the seminar held June 5-7, 2024, the participants had the opportunity to attend presentations, workshop and participate in lively discussions about the best practices and challenges in the field of short-term mobility.

The event kicked-off with a small reception and registration of participants from Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Italy, as well as Serbia, followed by the opening address of the Vice-Rector of the University of Belgrade, Prof. Dr. Ratko Ristic. The program was officially opened by the presentation by Tatjana Stankovic, of the Foundation Tempus, touching upon general rules and requirements of implementing short-term mobility within the framework of the Erasmus+ program from the perspective of the National Agency. Prof. Melina Kalagasidis Krusic, whose session followed, presented the conclusions of a working group composed of Circle U. Alliance university representatives on the topic of funding short-term mobility, which ushered in the participants’ discussion on the relevant staff week topics.

Day two stared with the presentation of Humboldt University’s team, who introduced their perspective on how to successfully organize Blended Intensive Programs within the Erasmus+ mobility program. Professor Aleksandar Djordjevic, of the University of Belgrade, and his colleagues from TU Wien and TU Bratislava, presented the perspective of Belgrade regarding successful implementation of a BIP for students in the field of spatial planning.

After lunch, the participants took part in parallel sessions focusing on the topics of recognition and admission procedures, challenges in hosting BIPs for students and staff, respectively, as well as funding short-term mobility. Day two ended in summing up the conclusions of the sessions and informal meetings.

The final day of the staff week started with a presentation of Professor Slavko Gajin on digital solutions for mobility within Circle U. Alliance, followed by discussions and a Q&A session, thus concluding the three-day event.

This event, organized within the framework of the international project Circle U. 2030 and the Erasmus+ program, brought together teachers and staff from the project partner universities with a goal of exchanging experiences and good practice regarding short-term mobility programs, which can additionally strengthen inter-university cooperation and mobility within the European education area.

As a result, additional opportunities for short-term mobility are expected to arise in future, both within the Alliance and the Erasmus+ mobility program.


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